180511: Two more days. booo!

SUP HUMANS. So looooooooooong time didn't type my blog in English. My English must be deteriorated  D:
okay fine, lets practice now!

Two more days. two more days. two more days!!  Exam's gonna end :D
so next week, it's the time to start collecting back our results paper ;(   NO I DON'T WANT  D:D:
all I want was just HOLIDAYS. seriously craving for it. I don't wanna to hear those teachers talking craps.
Just a week more baby.....oh, Somehow I don't want the time to pass that fast too,
one more friend's leaving us too. this time not only change school. he's going to Melbourne, AUS.

problems, problems, problems. was facing lots of problems now.
will be more positive minded and will always think of the best way more.
like the tittle I chosen for my BC paper today, 微笑面對人生, like this :DD

May be update tomorrow too :D
visit me always and remember to click my nuffnang! ;)

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