
It's Saturday today..
school day again.. boring~
as usual, I went to school by 6.55,
and reached there about 7.15.

Morning section was having sukantara today,
which is every house's member had to attend to get the marks for the sports day.
Reached school, saw lots of peoples wearing their house's shirt to school.
But, I'm not. I wore the orange shirt to school. *special

First and second period,
our science teacher get into the class and teach us like usual,
she called us to do the pass years exam question,
but we're open the book, and talking only.
I only answered a few question for it. (:

ICT lesson.
there was too less students in the lab,
so that out teacher let us to play the computer as we like.
some students that not our class came in and kacao.
nice, they weren't so noisy and dosen't hurt anyone.

Until the time, Mandy and YannBei came and remind us to duty,
so that we get our from the lab and went to the field for duty.

I was duty at the 'lontar peluru' part, under the BIG hot sun.
and I am getting darker and darker now.
2 more month, I think I'll become a malay girl already.
and that time please don't speak to me in English XD

After the whole duty,
we had our lunch at the canteen.
Drinks were free and we only had to pay for our food.
Skipped the class until the last 5 minutes anly backed to the class.
After we keep back our books to our bag, and talked for awhile then the bell rang.
I only get 57marks for my BC. sob
I am not good in paper1, but a little bit better in paper2. (:

After school, I phoned my mom at the stairwell.
Nobody was there but except 1 person :D
I called my mom at 12.50pm and she said she's comming,
but she reached there at 1.45pm. wait her for so long.

Accompany mom to buy things at Mr.DIY.
Of cause I also bought something there.
A pair of scissors, a 'patung', and a hair clip? :D

After that went home.
mom asked my to wash all my bags, clean my room,
sweap the floor, clean the top of cupboard, fan, and so on.
And I cleaned up my table in my room.
It's now so much better than before! :D

Ate a mini pack of maggie as dinner,
because I didn't feels like eating, dun't know why.
Got no mood today and I talked so less.

Gonna off soon, ciaos (:

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